For Immediate Release – Sept 12, 2020
By Pamela Rodi
September 12, 2020, Los Angeles – It was therapeutic to take a few hours on a Saturday afternoon and enjoy a Zoom interview and make-up tutorial with renowned artist and entrepreneur, Bobbe Joy Dawson, who is celebrating the release of her book Raising Eyebrows.
GreenLight Women Board Member and Chair Marion Rosenberg and Board Member and Chair of Membership Judy Chaikin, longtime friends of Bobbe’s and contributors to Raising Eyebrows, hosted and moderated the event and introduced Bobbe to the 25 participants.
She got her start in the beauty business in Hollywood, working for celebrity hairdresser Jon Peters. “It was the hippest, most stylish salon in Beverly Hills,” Bobbe said. Peters’ many famous clients included then-girlfriend Barbra Streisand, and his salon is well known as the inspiration for the 1975 comedy classic Shampoo. (Peters would go on to make blockbuster movies, including Flashdance and Batman, and run Sony Pictures with Peter Guber.)
Focusing on make-up, Bobbe launched her eponymous make-up line and built a client base that included Dolly Parton, Raquel Welch, Robin Williams, Muhammad Ali, Paul Newman, Barbara Mandrell, Priscilla Presley, the Supremes and Tammy Wynette. And as magazines and media became more influential, Bobbe collaborated with photographers and explored how alternate lighting techniques and colors changed the effect of the make-up, and how to use lighting for contour and definition.
Bobbe’s clients have also include producers and executives who – at least until COVID – have not been on camera.
“Zoom has changed that,” said Bobbe. “Meetings are now on camera with ambient lighting and the make-up has to be stronger to not look washed out.” In the tutorial Bobbe showed the techniques she uses to create the most flattering effects for all skin types and colors.
1. Cleanse face, then apply primer and moisturizer
2. Dot concealer under eye, blend with fingers
3. Use tiny amount of liquid blush instead of foundation to glow
4. Lightly brush highlighter over your cheekbones to make them pop
5. Pull end of eyebrow slightly when applying color. Bobbe likes the Senna Powder Brow Pencil
6. Apply white highlighter pencil underneath the brow to define it
7. For “big eye” effect draw a V-shape from mid-eye to the outer corners using dark eyeshadow
8. “Scribble” on eyeliner (don’t try to draw it straight); don’t connect top and bottom liner
9. Curl lashes, then apply mascara, repeat. End with curl. Bobbe uses Latisse
10. Purse lips slightly when applying lipstick – best to use brush
For more information about Bobbe Joy Dawson, please visit www. bobbejoycosmetics.com.
Bobbe’s book Raising Eyebrows is now available for purchase on Amazon, Nook, Apple Books and Kindle. GreenLight Women members who would like a signed copy can purchase theirs from www.bobbejoycosmetics.com. For more information about GreenLight Women, please visit www.greenlightwomen.org.