Romell Foster-Owens

Romell Foster-Owens Romell Foster-Owens is an award winning Filmmaker, Producer, Director, and Writer of television series, commercials, short films, and independent feature films. Foster-Owens is a graduate of the prestigious American Film Institute Conservatory, the...

Bobbi Banks

Bobbi Banks With over 30 years working in the film and television industry, an Emmy nomination and over 130 projects and counting, Bobbi Banks’ career continues to evolve. She has worked with directors such as John Singleton, Malcom Lee, Mark Steven Johnson, Louis...

Barbara Weintraub

Barbara Weintraub Barbara Weintraub has been a producer, a network executive and an entertainment career advisor. Her first job in the business was as an actor in a Martin Scorsese film, which convinced her she wanted to work on the other side of the camera.Weintraub...

Lucy Webb

Lucy Webb Producer, writer, actress and comedienne Lucy Webb has been a supporter of women and independent filmmakers for over 30 years.  A native of Tennessee, Webb’s career has encompassed feature films, television and the New York stage.  Her production...

Dana Sims

Dana Sims Dana Sims is a Motion Picture Talent Agent at leading entertainment and sports agency Creative Artists Agency (CAA).   With just over 20 years of experience in talent representation, Sims is based in the Los Angeles offices and represents many of the world’s...